CIoD Nigeria and You

About The Chartered Institute of Directors Nigeria

Founded on 17 May 1983, CIoD Nigeria has been at the forefront of promoting good governance practices in Nigerian companies and the Public Sector. Through its various activities, CIoD Nigeria had helped develop professional standard of directorship, and provided best practice guidelines for company directors to perform their duties effectively up to the international standards.

It is CIoD Nigeria belief that with effective directors, the company will be guided in the way that it can be managed and operated effectively, hence, resulting in shareholders’ value and sustainable growth of the Nigerian economy.


Promoting professionalism through:

  • Continuous education.

  • Information sharing.

  • Network opportunities.

  • Promoting competence.

  • Celebrating excellence at individual and corporate levels.

Who We Are

The Chartered Institute of Directors Nigeria (CIoD Nigeria) is the apex professional body in Nigeria with a mandate to cater for and represent Directors in their individual capacities across the various sectors of the economy. It has made significant and highly impressive strides, working closely with government, corporate organisations, bilateral chambers and diplomatic missions to raise the standard of corporate governance and leadership in the private and public sectors. This, in turn, has attracted worthy and qualitative members to the Institute.

CIoD Nigeria is committed to its cardinal objective of sharpening the professional skills of Directors, business leaders, technocrats, top level civil and public servants through its internationally recognized Director Development Programmes.

Since the advent of Nigeria's second democratic dispensation, the Institute's advocacy has intensified the promotion of corporate governance and best practices in all tiers of government and the private sector with emphasis in the development of the nation's top talents and fostering resourceful and ethical leadership in all the sectors of the economy. CIoD continues to intensify its constructive engagement with both Government and the Private Sector for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders and the nation at large.

The Institute, as a prime leadership organisation, helps directors fulfil their legal and professional responsibilities for the benefit of business and society. It is a not-for-profit, membership-based organization that collaborates with and enjoys the support of all the regulatory institutions in the country as well as international multilateral organisations.

CIoD Nigeria is recognized locally and internationally for its leading role in corporate governance practice and advocacy and has been cited as the most successful professional body in the country with a sharp focus in this area.

The success of CIoD Nigeria is measured by its capacity to impact the quality of the overall governance index through its member-directors, many of whom are the most proficient and experienced business leaders in the country representing the full business and public service spectrum. CIoD Nigeria represents the views of its members locally and at the continental and international levels as a member of the Africa Corporate Governance Network (ACGN) and a full-fledged affiliate of IoD (UK).

CIoD Nigeria presents a formidable front in the affairs of the national economy and promotes the fostering of an enabling environment for businesses to exist and through its various constructive engagements with policy makers and through its advocacy programs.

CIoD Nigeria membership (consisting of 5 categories) is accessed through established criteria backed by a rigorous process of evaluation of the eligibility of the applicants who must be directors in the public sector and private sector corporations.


To be a leading world-class professional institute consistently promoting best Corporate Governance practices, director development and advocacy.


To build capacity of directors by competent and committed professionals through well-developed programmes, mentoring schemes, sound ethical practices and enrich public policy through advocacy.


I - Integrity

M -Meritocracy

P -Professionalism

A -Accountability and Probity

C -Customer Centricity

 T -Teamwork

Our Objective

To establish and conduct an Institute to safeguard and promote the interest in Nigeria of Directors of companies, business executives and professional people by carrying on of activities which are intended to:

(i) Improve the professional competence of its members as company directors and business leaders in Nigeria.

(ii) Provide an active forum and effective voice for its members in public affairs.

(iii) Charter its members as Directors and formulate and monitor the ethics of Directors as professionals.

(iv) Enlighten and educate its members regarding their legal, moral, and general rights and responsibilities in respect of their companies and organizations and in respect of the society as a whole.

(v) Advance the competence and knowledge of its members by arranging and sponsoring seminars, course of study, conferences, and visits within and outside Nigeria.

vi) Encourage, promote and co-ordinate research into relevant subjects and to compile, publish or sponsor the publication of journals in Nigeria and to print and publish any newspapers, periodicals, bulletins books or leaflets that the institute may think fit for the promotion of its objects.

vii) Take a continuing and effective interest in legislation to ensure as far as possible that basic commercial freedoms and rights are preserved and that a climate conducive to strong economic growth is maintained in the country.

viii) Uphold, maintain, and improve the economic climate for the promotion of the concepts of corporate entity/personality, free enterprise, the welfare of the state and stable government in respect thereof.

(ix) Maintain and strengthen the bonds of reciprocity existing between the Institute of Directors all over the world.

(x) Assemble, maintain, and extend such collection of books and publications including microfilm, reading and copying as it considers appropriate to an educational research library of the highest standing for the use of such persons as it thinks fit and upon such terms and conditions as it considers necessary.

(xi) Provide facilities and services of all kinds, including rooms, libraries, travel arrangements, meeting places, recreational facilities, and offices for the use of members of the Institute.

(xii) Create, administer, and support bursaries, chairs, exhibitions, fellowship, lectures, prizes and scholarships for the advancement or encouragement of learning and study tenable at any school, technical institution, university or other places of learning and study.

(xiii) Undertake, administer, and support or assist in undertaking, administering, and supporting organizations, projects, research schemes and campaigns which may assist in the attainment or advancement of any of the objects of the Institute.

(xiv) Engage in consultancy and advisory services generally on a non-commercial basis.

(xv) To establish such number of Branches of the Institute of Directors Nigeria and in such locations as it deems fit to enable it carry out any of its objects mentioned above.

CIoD Nigeria aims to achieve these objects through.

Promoting corporate governance practices and standards through continuing development of policy notes, position papers and guidelines

Enabling and developing directors' skills through director development programmes, creating a platform of peer interaction and the exchange of learning and ideas through networking events as well as advisory services and the facilitation of board appraisals

 Safeguarding the integrity and status of directorship as a profession by being recognised as a professional body for directors.

Advocating and providing an effective voice for directors in public affairs through effective liaison with regulators and media.

Providing ancillary benefits for members by maintaining a non-executive director register and   negotiation of benefits from a variety of third parties.


Office Address

Chartered Institute of Directors Nigeria

28, Olawale Edun Road, (Formerly Cameron Road), Ikoyi, Lagos.

P. O. Box 51037, Falomo, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria.

Tel: +234 806 745 2188, +234 706 214 8115, +234 809 192 7719




Abuja Zonal Office

Flat 1, Plot 2336 IBB Way, Maitama, Abuja.

Tel: 07037694702, 0803751 1484


Port Harcourt Zonal Office

Ground Floor Left Wing, 5 Bolo Street, Port Harcourt.

Tel: +234 803 338 0558: Mr. Patrick 

+234 703 852 4393: Maryann

Abeokuta Zonal Office

Providence Centre, B-004, Opposite Globus Bank, 

MKO Abiola Way, Near NNPC Mega Station, Abeokuta, Ogun State. 

Tel: 0803 319 7093 - Emmanuel  

0703 807 4134 - Felicia

Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is the structure through which an organisation is directed, controlled and held accountable. It defines a framework of rights, responsibilities, procedures and relationships amongst the various stakeholders of an organisation, including its directors, managers, shareholders and regulators.

The board of directors – or equivalent governing body - is at the heart of any framework of corporate governance, and is arguably the most important mechanism for ensuring that the organisation makes effective decisions which are consistent with its ultimate objectives and mission.

What the section covers:

The corporate governance section of the website covers a range of issues that affect directors and those on the governing bodies of other types of organisation including:

(1) The relationship between directors and shareholders

(2) Governance of unlisted companies and public bodies

(3) Corporate responsibility and sustainability

(4) The role of the director and the board

(5) Corporate governance in Nigeria

(6) Corporate governance codes

(7) The Companies Act

(8) Risk management

European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)

The ECGI is an international scientific non-profit association. It provides a forum for debate and dialogue between academics, legislators and practitioners, focusing on major corporate governance issues and thereby promoting best practice.

International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)

A membership association of company directors in Canada.

OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

A set of non-binding principles and guidelines developed by the Ad-Hoc Task Force on Corporate Governance, embodying the views of OECD Member countries.

The Corporate Library

Founded in 1999 by Nell Minow and Robert Monks, partners in Lens Investment Management and co-founders of Institutional Shareholders Services, the Corporate Library serves as a repository for research, study and discussion about the nature of the modern global corporation, with focus on corporate governance and the company management, their boards and shareowners.

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