This Mentorship Programme will enable the young Directors to acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and capabilities needed to address leadership challenges, build corporate governance structures for businesses, and cultivate the right ethical culture that guarantees organisational sustainability.
Need for capacity development of young business leaders to be able to translate professional and/or entrepreneurial experiences to board readiness.
Need to increase the pool of young professionals with boardroom experience.
Need to guide young professionals on how to break into the corporate board-scene as first-timers.
Need to break the societal misconception regarding the role of young people in participating in board roles.
The Goal and Specific Objectives of the Mentorship Programme
The mentoring programme will leverage the unparalleled rich resource of the board, professional, public, and entrepreneurial experience of CIoD members to equip aspiring professionals with the skills, resources, knowledge, experience, capacity, and network, necessary to prepare them to become high-flying and outstanding Directors.
Specifically, the mentorship programme will:
· Bring the credibility and global brand of CIoD to preparing leaders for successful board careers as a complement to the other training activities of CIoD.
· Build a pool and sustain the number and capacity of young Directors across sectors in the Nigerian business space.
· Bridge the gap between the older Directors and young ones in corporate governance, ethics, leadership, etc. thereby ensuring adequate diversity in age, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc.
· Entrench and sustain best board governance practices in the Mentees.
· Enable the Mentees to develop concrete action plans as part of their assessment and key takeaways.

CIoD Mentors are seasoned professionals who have ubiquitous knowledge of board leadership, acquired decades of experience, and have served on different Boards of Directors within and or outside Nigeria. Their experiences as Board Members or Directors may be from the public sector, private sector, international NGOs, national NGOs, family businesses, or other sectors.

A Mentee is a director or an aspiring young professional in a senior/executive management position who is willing to gain knowledge from experienced and seasoned professionals. Young directors or aspiring high-flying professionals currently in mid-senior management roles are eligible.
Criteria for becoming a Mentor:
Must be duly registered as a member of CIoD Nigeria with details captured in the CIoD database.
Must have a minimum of 5 years of experience as a director or Board Member.
Should have undergone, at least, any of the Company Direction Courses of CIoD, namely CDC I, II, and III.
Must not have been convicted by any court of competent jurisdiction for any criminal offense, harassment (including sexual harassment), fraud, etc.
Must not have been removed or suspended as a director for misconduct before the expiration of his/her tenure of office.
Must be open to receive and Mentor Mentees from any gender, ethnic group, sector, religion, age, etc.
Must have been screened and approved by the Institute.
Matching Mentees with Mentors
Once a Mentee has created their profile and this has been approved, he/she will proceed to fill out the registration form online.
Select the area of mentorship (ESG, Leadership, ERM, Governance, etc.)
Select two preferred Mentors to work with (from the options provided), but the Mentorship Supervisory Committee reserves the right to allocate.
Mentors in the final analysis.
Select and agree on duration, gender, dates, and times provided.
Agree to the terms and conditions of the Mentoring Program.
Select and agree to the mode of meeting.
Orientation is conducted to brief Mentees and potential Mentors on the goals and expectations of the programme.

To make sure the Mentorship Programme is monitored and evaluated appropriately, the following has been put in place within the ERP:
· A progress check button to indicate sessions held and progress made at all stages and levels.
· Lessons learned/feedback, comment box, etc., to follow through the Mentee and Mentor KPI.
· A weekly system review by the programme admin staff to sort out programme issues on time.
· A monthly report on the performance of the Mentorship Programme.
Mentors Programmes
These will be programmes organized for Mentors to help them understand the CIoD Mentorship Program and carry the Mentee along in the mentorship process as guided by the rules and regulations of the mentorship.
· Onboarding: the onboarding shall be the first program to be attended by the mentors. It is optional and meant for those who need it. The Institute shall plan and organize the onboarding program for mentors. This shall be organized twice a year. Mentors can attend as often as possible as it will also serve as a refresher program for those interested.
· Mentors’ forum: This shall be an online forum for Mentors' continuous interaction. It shall be hosted on WhatsApp or Telegram.
· The Mentor-Mentee mix: This shall be an annual event that brings all Mentors and Mentees to have a get-together to facilitate networking, and experience sharing, and Mentees will have the opportunity to interact amongst themselves. It shall feature testimonials, speeches, and other activities that facilitate knowledge sharing. Mentors will share knowledge and experiences and discuss challenges and ways forward. The outcome of this event shall be used to review the Mentorship Programme.
· Fireside chat: This will be held at least twice a year to enhance the capacity of the Mentors and Mentees.

Fees and Funding
The CIoD mentorship program will be on pro bono basis for both Mentors and Mentees. Interested young Directors and SMEs will participate free of charge for the first one year. This is to enable the Institute to pilot and test-run the program. Within this period, all aspects of the program will be tested and evaluated to ensure fit for purpose. A review will be done by the end of the pilot phase. After this review, some changes will be made including decisions on fees and funding of the program.

Partnership and Collaboration
The Institute is open to partnering and collaborating with organizations that have similar interests and capacity to invest, nurture, grow, and sustain the program. To develop a partnership/collaboration on the program, the parties shall
· Indicate in writing their interest and willingness to partner or collaborate in any or all the aspects of the program.
· A Memorandum of Understanding will be signed by both parties. The MoU shall specify all areas of interest and terms and conditions of the partnership.
· The institute can also seek partnership and collaboration with Non-Governmental Organizations, International Organizations, Private Organizations, Government Organizations, etc.
· Oversee and coordinate the Mentorship Programme.
· Manage and administer the mentorship programme on the ERP.
· Review applications, match participants, monitor progress and provide feedback to stakeholders on the Mentorship Programme.
· Coordinate the onboarding and other training programmes for the mentorship.
· Coordinate the practical mentoring clinic (Mentor–Mentee ‘Mixer’) every quarter to allow mentors and mentees to share feedback and challenges.
· Receive complaints from Mentors and Mentees and report same to the Supervising Committee for investigation where necessary.
· Provide updates on the mentoring progress and quarterly report to the Supervising Committee.
· Monitor and ensure that mentorship programmes are carried out as planned.
· Provide feedback for enquiries on the mentorship programme.
· Provide updates and quarterly reports of all activities of the mentorship programmes as may be required by various
· Ensure all evaluations and exit procedures are duly followed by all participants.
· Receive feedback, analyze individual activity, and programme evaluation and present the report.
· Receive complaints and forward same to the Supervisory Committee for decisions and actions.
· Communicate the Supervisory Committee’s decisions to all stakeholders.
· Collate testimonials, photographs, video clips and any other materials of the Mentorship Programme and update same in the website and ERP.
This Committee is set up to supervise the Mentorship Programme. The Committee comprises members from the DDC, WDDC, YDF, M&BD, and any other Committee as deemed fit by IoD.
· Oversee the activities of the Mentorship Programme.
· Handle complaints and recommend disciplinary actions for mentors and mentees in the Mentorship Programme.
· Establish and review The Programme from time to time to ensure set quality and standards are maintained.
· Set out KPIs and monitor to ensure that agreed targets are achieved.
The Mentor shall:
Design, plan, and schedule mentorship activities with the Mentee.
Guide implementation of agreed activities and Mentor his/her Mentees.
Send any report or complaint to the Mentorship Coordinator for action.
Provide feedback on the Mentee, planned programmes and the Mentorship Programme at large.
The Mentee shall:
Fill out all necessary documents for the mentorship.
Assent to terms and conditions as stipulated in the mentorship document.
Start and complete the Mentorship Program as planned.
Send any report or complaint to the mentorship coordinator for action.
Provide feedback on the Mentor, planned program, and the Mentorship Programme at large.
The aggrieved Mentor/Mentee makes a formal complaint.
Complaints may be made by the aggrieved Mentor/Mentee through the ERP, in writing, by email, or freehand to the Mentoring Coordinator. This document will be the guiding document throughout the procedure. The complainant should include as much information as possible, including names, dates, and venue of the misconduct. The coordinator, having received the complaint, will send the complaint to the Mentorship Supervising Committee.
The Committee, having received the complaint, begins investigation.
The investigation would be carried out by a Committee of at least two persons who shall interview the individual against whom the complaint is made and review any supporting document/ evidence. At the end of the investigation, the committee shall make a report which shall include a recommendation on the steps to be taken to redress the complaint.
Decision on the Report of Investigating Committee
The Chairman of the Mentoring Committee of IoD shall receive the report of the Investigating Committee and convene a meeting of the Mentoring Committee to determine the appropriate action based on the report of the investigation. The Mentoring Committee shall have the power to determine any restorative or conciliatory measures to address the complaint as the Committee may determine.
Communication of the decision of the Investigating Committee
The decision of the Mentoring Committee shall be communicated in writing to the parties concerned through the Mentoring Coordinator. The decision shall be final, subject to the right of the parties to seek judicial redress.
Great stories have a personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will assist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.
Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide, general audience in mind, your story will sound fake and lack emotion. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.
Exit by Personal Withdrawal
In this case, a Mentee has completed the mentorship programme, and is exiting accordingly.
· The Mentee and the Mentor shall fill out the evaluation form at the end of the programme.
· The Mentee and the Mentor shall fill out the testimonial and every other exit form.
· The Mentee and the Mentor shall fill out the sign-out form to indicate that all parties have ended the programme.
· The Mentee is awarded a certificate upon successful completion of the mentoring programme.
Exit by CIoD Directive
In this case, the Mentee or Mentor is found to have violated the IoD Mentorship Programme Policy due to reasons of conflict, breach of code of conduct, ethics, rules and regulations, data privacy, policy, terms, and conditions, etc. The Institute may decide to terminate the Mentee’s mentorship programme. After the recommendation is received by the Disciplinary Committee:
· No new programme shall be set up for the mentor or mentee. Any existing/ongoing programme shall be transferred and re-matched using the matching procedure.
· The Mentor and Mentee shall complete the feedback form.
· The Mentee shall complete the sign-off form.
· No testimonial or certificate shall be issued to the mentee.
· The Mentee’s bio shall be removed from the database.
· The Mentor may be deactivated in the database and barred from the mentorship programme.
Exit by Completion of the Programme
In this case, a Mentor or Mentee voluntarily decides to withdraw from the programme:
· He/she shall send a request for withdrawal stating reasons for withdrawal from the programme.
· Any existing/ongoing programme shall be transferred and re-matched using the matching procedure.
· The Mentorship Committee shall review the request and send their recommendations to The Institute.
· The data shall be deactivated from the database.
Exit by demise
In this case, the Mentee or Mentor dies before exiting from the program.
· The demise shall be announced on the mentorship platform.
· The profile of the demised shall be de-activated on the platform.
For enquiries, please contact : matilda.udoh@ciodnigeria.org or Call: +234 802 372 1171