Corporate Governance Codes

Corporate Governance Guidelines Insurance & Reinsurance Companies

National Insurance Commission Corporate Governance Guidelines For Insurance And Reinsurance Companies In Nigeria 2021.


Nigerian Code of Corporate

Governance 2018

Nigerian code of corporate governance 2018 .


Guidance on Companies' Virtual Board, Committee, & Management Meetings

In a bid for companies to constantly keep up with the ever changing business environment and globalization in general, business meetings have been evolving from the conventional round table physical meetings into virtual meetings


Circular On Corporate Governance For Pension Fund Operators

The Corporate Governance Circular for Pension Fund Operators (PFOs) is a set of principles based on best practices, intended to guide Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs), Closed Pension Fund Administrators (CPFAs) and Pension Fund Custodians (PFCs), on the structures and processes for achieving optimal governance practices.


Code of Corporate Governance For Public Companies & Registered Issuers

To promote the development of a strong corporate governance culture and keep abreast with recent developments in corporate governance best practices, the Commission, pursuant to its regulatory power under Section 179(d) of Republic Act No. 11232 otherwise known as the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines, resolved to adopt the Code of Corporate Governance for Public Companies and Registered

Issuers ("CG Code for PCs and RIs")..
