Frequently Asked Questions About The Chartered Institute of Directors Nigeria
CIoD Nigeria is a professional membership organisation committed to the practice of good Corporate Governance to champion Director’s professionalism and development.
CIoD Nigeria represents its members to government, enhances the economy for business development, and provides services to its membership.
Membership at CI oD Nigeria is open to C-suite Executives in private sector and their equivalent in the public sector.
Kindly log into the CIoD Nigeria portal below for registration
There are three membership registration categories:
a. Associate Member
b. Full Member
c. Life Member
To qualify as an Associate member, an applicant should be:
a. Proprietor of an incorporated business existing for a minimum of two (2) years, with evidence of at least one-year statutory tax return and audited account.
b. Senior executive of a limited liability company reporting directly to the CEO, where he is an executive for a minimum of two (2) years.
c. Senior executive not less than grade level 15 at the Federal and State Government with a minimum of two years' experience
d. A Company director for a minimum of one (1) year and be in business for a minimum of three (3) years.
In addition to the above, the applicant would attend IoD Nigeria
Company Direction Course I (CDC I) which is a prerequisite to becoming a member.
To qualify as a full member, an applicant must be:
- Proprietor of an incorporated business existing for a minimum of five (5) years, with evidence of at least three years statutory tax return and audited account.
- A Company Director for a minimum of five (5) years and be in business for a minimum of five (5) years.
- Director or equivalent not less than grade level 16 at the Federal and State Government with a minimum of five years' experience.
In addition to the above, the applicant would attend IoD Nigeria Company Direction Course I (CDC I) which is a prerequisite to becoming a member.
Life Members
Registration fee is Two Million, One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Naira (N2, 180,000.00). The fee consists of the following:
a. Membership Registration Fee – N1,970,000.00
b. Company Direction Course 1 Fee – N210,000.00
The life membership registration is a one-off payment, annual membership subscription fees do not apply.
Regular Membership (Associate & Full Member)
Registration fee is Six Hundred and Twenty Thousand Naira (N680,000.00). The fee consists of the following:
a. Membership Registration fee – N470,000.00
b. Company Direction Course 1 fee – N210,000.00
An annual membership subscription applies for Regular Registration.
The following should be uploaded on the membership registration portal:
i. Detailed/Current Resume/CV
ii. Passport Photograph (high-quality resolution on a plain background)
iii. Company profile
iv. Certi fi cate of Incorporation
v. Form CO7 (Particulars of Directors)
vi. Introduction letter duly signed by the Company Secretary (Introducing the Prospective Member)
vii. Work Permit for Foreign Nationals
CIoD open courses are training and capacity development programmes specifically designed for directors, covering the wide spectrum of roles, responsibilities of directors and leadership skills that are essential in today's evolving business landscape. CIoD open courses can also form part of a tailored training package for you and your organisation.
Associate – AM.CIoD
Full member -M.CIoD
Fellow – F.CIoD
Distinguished Fellow – DF.CIoD
Honorary Fellow – HF.CIoD
Associate Member Subscription- N70,000.00
Full Member Subscription- N80,000.00
Fellow Subscription- N95,000.00
You will usually qualify for membership if you have responsibility for the strategic direction of your organisation. You do not have to be a board director to apply. From entrepreneurs of start-ups and mid-size companies to CEOs of large organisations, both private and public sector, we provide business leaders with the effective tools to support them in their role. (Please refer to the criteria for membership in ‘3’above)
No . CIoD Nigeria membership is individual and not corporate, so the registration of a colleague does not make you a member.
We appreciate that your time is precious and we have specifically designed membership benefits with this in mind. For example, through the Business Information Service s our expert researchers can provide you with information wherever you are located, by e-mail, or telephone. All of our benefits will naturally complement and support you in your day-to-day life as a D irector, allowing you time to focus on your role.
Yes. Our members are at the centre of our services and they are happy to refer the Institute because of the “CIoD Advantage”.
To be a referee, the prospective member requires your name and membership number, which is the first letter of the member’s surname followed by five unique numbers. Once this is imputed on their registration portal, a “referee approval request” is sent to the member’s email, with instructions on how to approve.
Yes . As part of the benefits of the “CIoD Advantage”, you may bring up to three guests with you to use our free meeting space at any one time. Rooms can also be hired for meetings with potential and existing clients, or for interviews or presentations. These rooms are available at a subsidised rate for members.
At CIoD Nigeria, we aim to provide the highest standards of service. However, there may be occasions when you feel that we have failed to meet your expectations. We want the opportunity to make things right for you as quickly as we can and take steps, where appropriate, to ensure that such issues do not reoccur.
If you have cause for complaint, please contact our Membership team.
Office hours are from 9:00 am: to 00 pm, Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays).
Email: membership@iodnigeria.org.
Phone: +234 706 214 8115
We will endeavor to resolve your complaint within 24 hours. We appreciate feedback and are committed to resolving all complaints.
Navigating the Membership Portal
How to Activate Your Account on the CIoD Nigeria Membership Portal As A Member
To access the CIoD Membership portal as an existing member and take advantage of the newly deployed technology built to enhance your experience, your account needs to be activated.
The required steps to activate your account is shown in the video.
How to make payment on the CIoD Membership Portal
For Members of the Institute who intend to pay their Membership Subscriptions and Bills, please follow these few steps as shown in the video.
For Prospective Members; How to Register and Become a Member on the CIoD Nigeria Membership Portal
Join CIoD Nigeria and network with over 5,000 industry leaders in Nigeria.
To become a member of the Institute, prospective members are required to complete an online registration form.
Here are the required steps to complete the form
How to Approve A Referee Approval Request on the CIoD Nigeria Membership Portal
For Members of the Institute whose Membership Number was used as a reference by a Prospective Member while completing the new members registration form, these are the steps for Referee Approval.