2025 International Leadership Programmes

Directors Leadership Bootcamp                                          

Theme:  Building Board’s Agility & Organisational Resilience in times of Business Disruptions 

DATE: April 8 -11, 2025

VENUE: Mombasa, Kenya

Course fee: $3,700


A constant factor that organisations have grappled with over the years is operating in a business environment that is characterised by uncertainty and unpredictability. This is more so over the last one decade because of the amazing intensity of changing technology, socio- political, economic, climate and regulatory changes. From all indications, the ferocity of these changes would be unparalleled in the new decade, given the new paradigms of competition, increasing sophistication of stakeholders, disruptive innovations, pandemics and emerging business models. The implication of this is that only firms that are resilient and could reinvent themselves through constant transformation may stand the chance of surviving the tide of change in the new decade. Such firms need adept boards that are agile to lead the needed transformation.

This programme is specially designed to enhance the capacity of directors to lead business transformation in their organisations through proactive decisions and policies that are informed by a deep understanding of variables at play within their local and international business environments.


       Pressures, Trends and Drivers of Boards’ Agility in the 21st century

       Building Blocks for Positioning a Board for Agility and Innovation in a VUCA Business Environment

       Towards Boards Agility and Organisational Resilience: A Review of Complementary Developments in the Corporate Governance Space

       Board’s Role in Driving Strategic Agility and Organisational Resilience Post-Pandemic

       Competitive Strategies for Business Resilience and Transformation: Options before the Board

       Healthy Board-Management Relationship as a Booster of Organisational Resilience, Agility & Innovation

       Managing Information Asymmetry to Enhance Organisational Agility

       Techniques for Managing Business Transformation Risks

       Project Work by Participating Directors- Position Paper to their Boards on “Action Plan on Board Agility, Business Resilience & Transformation”


CEOs, Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors, Chairmen, Members of Boards, Company Secretaries, Advisors to boards, business owners, investors and shareholders in family, private and public firms. Top government functionaries: Ministers, Commissioners, Permanent Secretaries, officials in the Director Cadre, Chairmen and members of Boards of government Parastatals and Agencies.



The Course fee is $3,700 (Three Thousand, Seven Hundred Dollars) only. The fee covers tuition, training materials, delivery, visitation and tours, breakfast and lunch, with CIoD Nigeria’s Certificate of Attendance.

 Participants are fully responsible for their Visa, flight and accommodation


Participants are enjoined to complete registration, at least, a month before the event, to be guaranteed of slots within the maximum number of delegates programmed for the class. All payments should be made in the name of the Institute of Directors to Zenith BankDomiciliary Account, Follarss (5071133426)

Please scan and send copies of your payment teller and registration form to akinola.adeyemi@ciodnigeria.org; 07035848845or sunday.adenipekun@ciodnigeria.org 08037658976


DISCOUNT POLICY: 2.5% discount for 4-6 delegates from the same organisation

EARLY BIRD: Payment received on or before February  28, 2025 shall attract 5% discount.


For programme cancellation or withdrawal by participants on which notification is duly communicated to CIoD Nigeria more than Ten (10) working days to the programme, administrative charge of 40% of the fee will be paid by the participant. Any notification less than Ten (10) working days to the programme attracts forfeiture of the fee paid.

Postponed Programme: Programmes may be postponed by CIoD Nigeria for unavoidable reasons at short notice to the participants. In the event that this happens, no refund would be made on the programme by the Institute. However, the participant would be allowed to switch to a similar programme of the same cost prior the new date of the postponed course, if he/she finds the option more convenient.

Cancelled Programme:Where the program is cancelled by CIoD, with respect to all other factor
except “Force Majeure”, the participant has the following options:
i.        may apply to transfer to another CIoD program of the same cost at no additional fee for transfer, or

Join another edition of same program, or

Demand for a refund of course fees paid, which will be refunded by CIoD Nigeria.

Force Majeure Policy:The following shall apply in cancellation or postponement due to Force Majeure. The participant has the following options;
i.        may apply to transfer to another CIoD program of the same cost at no additional fee for transfer, or

Join another edition of same program, or

Withdraw and forfeit 40% of the cost fee paid.

Fresh Wide Pers pective (FWP)

THEME: Board’s Role in Driving Business Transformation and Effective Succession Planning Conference

DATE: May 27 - 30, 2025

VENUE: Kigali, Rwanda

COST:  $3,700


Every organization and boards go through transition periods when either an executive or non-executive member of the board steps down. Though there are established practices that guide boards' renewal, transition processes for executive management vary from one organization to the other. In all these, the strategic role of emplacing an effective succession plan for an organisation rests squarely with the board. Succession Planning, which is also known as Talent-Pool Management provides leadership pipeline and ensures that board members, management teams and employees are prepared for higher roles in the short and long run.

This programme is specially packaged to sharpen the competencies of participants in the techniques for developing and operating effective succession plans to ensure a seamless leadership transition, which is critical to organisational success, stability and sustainability. It is a specially designed programme that offers research based Fresh Wide Perspectives (FWP) on the worrisome subject of succession planning.


·       At the end of the programme, participants will be able to Discuss the strategic nature of boards' role in succession planning

·       Explain processes and practices involved in succession planning

·       Manage better the attendant risks in succession planning, especially that of talent and change management

·       Profile techniques for continual board renewal, as well as smooth executive management transitions, as the need arises

·       Assess a succession plan and determine its capability to achieve desired goals


·       Succession Planning as Board's Strategic Role in Organisational Success and Sustainability

·       Boards' Governance Principles, Processes and Practices that facilitate Effective Succession Planning

·       Managing the 3 Pillars of Succession - Risk, Change and Talent

·       How Boards Develop the Executive and Non-executive Leadership Pipelines for Smooth Succession

·       Critical Elements of a Succession Plan Policy and a Succession Plan Framework

·       Achieving Seamless Executive Succession in an Organisation: What Role for the CEO?

·       Evaluating Board's Succession Plan: The Elements to Assess


Chairmen, CEO, Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors, Members of Boards, Company Secretaries, Boards Advisors Directors of HR and HR Consultants, General Managers with cognate status for HR responsibilities, business owners, investors and shareholders in family, private and public firms. Top government functionaries: Ministers, Commissioners, Permanent Secretaries, officials in the Director Cadre, Chairmen and members of Boards of government Parastatals and Agencies.


The Course fee is $3,700 (Three Thousand, Seven Hundred Dollars) only. The fee covers tuition, training materials, delivery, visitation and tours, breakfast and lunch, with CIoD Nigeria's Certificate of Attendance.

Please read other terms and conditions below.

Participants are fully responsible for their Visa, flight and accommodation.


Participants are enjoined to complete registration, at least, a month before the event, to be guaranteed of slots within the maximum number of delegates programmed for the class. All payments should be made in the name of the Institute of Directors Nigeria to Zenith Bank Account, Dollars (5071133426)

Please scan and send copies of your payment teller and registration form to akinola.adeyemi@iodnigeria.org 07035848845 or sunday.adenipekun@iodnigeria.org 08037658976


DISCOUNT POLICY: 2.5% discount for 4-6 delegates from the same organisation

EARLY BIRD: Payment received on or before March 30, 2025, shall attract 5% discount.


For programme cancellation or withdrawal by participants on which notification is duly communicated to CIoD Nigeria more than Ten (10) working days to the programme, administrative charge of 40% of the fee will be paid by the participant. Any notification less than Ten (10) working days to the programme attracts forfeiture of the fee paid.

Postponed Programme: Programmes may be postponed by CIoD Nigeria for unavoidable reasons at short notice to the participants. In the event that this happens, no refund would be made on the programme by the Institute. However, the participant would be allowed to switch to a similar programme of the same cost prior the new date of the postponed course, if he/she finds the option more convenient.

Cancelled Programme: Where the program is cancelled by CIoD, with respect to all other factor except "Force Majeure", the participant has the following options:

         i.            may apply to transfer to another CIoD program of the same cost at no additional fee for transfer.

       ii.            Join another edition of same program, or

     iii.            Demand for a refund of course fees paid, which will be refunded by CIoD Nigeria.

Force Majeure Policy: The following shall apply in cancellation or postponement due to Force Majeure. The participant has the following options.

i.                     may apply to transfer to another CIoD program of the same cost at no additional fee for transfer

ii.                   Join another edition of same program, or

iii.                 Withdraw and forfeit 40% of the cost fee paid.

Summer Masterclass for Directors (SMD4)

Theme: AI & the Challenge of Strategic Decisions in a Digital Economy

DATE: July 15-18, 2025

VENUE: Manchester, Uk

COST: £3,900


In a digital economy, artificial intelligence (AI) plays an increasingly significant role in shaping strategic decisions. AI offers a wide array of tools that can help organizations make more informed, efficient, and data-driven decisions. However, it also presents several challenges, particularly as decision-making processes become more complex and dependent on technology.

The integration of AI into strategic decision-making represents both an opportunity and a risk. On one hand, businesses can gain a competitive edge by leveraging AI to make faster, more accurate decisions. On the other hand, improper implementation or over-dependence on AI could result in poor outcomes, ethical dilemmas, and the erosion of trust. So, while it could dramatically enhance strategic decision-making in the digital economy, it requires careful planning, ethical consideration, and a balanced approach that combines both human intuition and technological power.

This curriculum provides a balanced approach to how Directors could make the most of AI as a productive tool for making strategic decisions in today’s rapidly evolving digital economy.

Course Objective:
This course explores the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and strategic decision-making in the context of a digital economy. At the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
Explain how AI technologies connect to transforming business strategies and decision-making processes 
Discuss the ethical, organizational, and economic implications of adopting AI in business.
Identify key strategic framework in digital economy
Apply AI tools in business (e.g., Amazon, Tesla, Netflix)

Target Participants
CEOs, Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors, Chairmen, Members of Boards, Company Secretaries, Advisors to boards, business owners, investors and shareholders in family, private and public firms. Top government functionaries: Ministers, Commissioners, Permanent Secretaries, officials in the Director Cadre, Chairmen and members of Boards of government Parastatals and Agencies.

Course Contents

Overview of AI and Strategic Decision-Making

AI & Strategic Considerations in a Digital Economy

AI, Strategic Leadership, Governance & Oversight in a Digital Economy

Engaging AI for Competitive Strategy and Market Disruptions

Ethical Implications of AI in Strategic Decisions

AI & the Future of Strategy in a Digital World

Advance Company Direction Programme (ACDP18)

DATE: 26th - 29th August 2025

VENUE: London, UK

Course fee: £3,900



In furtherance of its aims and objectives, which include enhancing the capacity of Corporate Leadership at the highest levels and providing modules on great prospect for international partnership and support, benchmarking corporate peers at the global level, CIoD Nigeria developed the Advanced Company Direction Programme (ACDP) as the premium course to reach out for corporate boards interested in positioning organisations for growth beyond borders


·       While attendance of Company Direction Course I (CDC I) is a compulsory prerequisite to becoming a member of the Institute of Directors Nigeria, participants who attend ACDP would not have to attend CDC I any longer because its curriculum covers CDC I and more.

·       Participation in ACDP is also accepted by the Institute as part of the leadership courses approved among other basic requirements that qualify members for Fellowship.

·       It is a premium programme that CIoD Nigeria, at its discretion, invite directors with many years of boardroom experience to attend, even when they are not members of the institute.

·       The programme is delivered in modules that aid delegates with learning taken in real world approach.

·       On the faculty of this premium programme are highly experienced practitioners who have wide ranging boardroom experience, meaning that a highly engaging, adaptive and pragmatic approach is adopted in delivering the programme, to account for varying delegate requirements.


The syllabus for the Advanced Company Direction Programme (ACDP) is specially designed to cover the main areas considered to be important in enhancing a director's strategic view and decision-making capability across the key functions of an organisation.

These fall under these five broad headings:

1.       Board Leadership and Governance

2.       Finance and Business Risk

3.       Strategic Business Direction

4.       Current Trends in Governance

5.       Board Simulation

Visitation to Businesses and Institutions comes as an add-on to the robust curriculum of ACDP.


The Advanced Company Direction Course covers the full range of director and board responsibilities and accountabilities and is generally appropriate for Top Executives, Chairmen, CEOs, Executive and Non-Executive Directors with Board Experience, CEOs, Executive Directors, Non- Executive Directors, Chairmen and Board Members, CIoD members and non-members. General Managers with cognate status for Organisational Relationship and public sector Ministers and Commissioners, Directors, Permanent Secretaries, Chairmen, members of Boards, as well as CEOs of Agencies, Public Institutions and Parastatals.


The Course fee is £3,900 (Three Thousand Nine Hundred Pounds) only. The fee covers tuition, training materials, delivery, visitation and tours, breakfast and lunch, with CIoD Nigeria's Certificate of Attendance.

Participants are fully responsible for their Visa Processing, flight and accommodation.


Participants are enjoined to complete registration, at least, a month before the event, to be guaranteed of slots within the maximum number of delegates programmed for the class. All payments should be made in the name of the Institute of Directors to Zenith Bank Domiciliary Account, Pounds (5060284977)

Please scan and send copies of your payment teller and registration form to akinola.adeyemi@iodnigeria.org 07035848845 or sunday.adenipekun@iodnigeria.org 08037658976


DISCOUNT POLICY: 2.5% discount for 4-6 delegates from the same organisation

EARLY BIRD: Payment received on or before May 31st, 2025, shall attract 5% discount.


For programme cancellation or withdrawal by participants on which notification is duly communicated to CIoD Nigeria more than Ten (10) working days to the programme, administrative charge of 40% of the fee will be paid by the participant. Any notification less than Ten (10) working days to the programme attracts forfeiture of the fee paid.

Postponed Programme: Programmes may be postponed by CIoD Nigeria for unavoidable reasons at short notice to the participants. In the event that this happens, no refund would be made on the programme by the Institute. However, the participant would be allowed to switch to a similar programme of the same cost prior the new date of the postponed course, if he/she finds the option more convenient.

Cancelled Programme: Where the program is cancelled by CIoD, with respect to all other factor except "Force Majeure", the participant has the following options:

         i.            may apply to transfer to another CIoD program of the same cost at no additional fee for transfer, or

       ii.            Join another edition of same program, or

     iii.            Demand for a refund of course fees paid, which will be refunded by CIoD Nigeria.

Force Majeure Policy: The following shall apply in cancellation or postponement due to Force Majeure. The participant has the following options.

         I.                        may apply to transfer to another CIoD program of the same cost at no additional fee for transfer.

       II.                        Join another edition of same program, or

     III.                        Withdraw and forfeit 40% of the cost fee paid.

Fresh Wide Perspective (FWP)

THEME: Leading a Forward-Looking Board: The Chair, the CEO & Leadership Responsibilities

DATE: October 14 - 17, 2025

VENUE: Kigali, Rwanda

COST:  $3,700



The generic roles and responsibilities of directors are well documented in corporate governance codes and literature. However, emerging realities across jurisdictions have shown that the balance of power between the Chair as the arrowhead of the board and the CEO as the leader of the organisation- who reports to the board- vary from company to company. Thus, in practice, one model does not fit all.

For this reason, it is important for board players to explore the leadership pattern that works for productive relationships between the CEO, the chairman and board members so the common goal of the organisation may be achieved seamlessly. This is more needful in this age of unprecedented mix of diverse, but powerful personalities functioning as either the chair or the CEO or both. Only boards that get the dynamics right stand a beer chance of fulfilling their mandate and getting the organisation to the Promise Land.

The essence of this programme is to equip the Chair and the CEO with seasoned leadership techniques and practical tools needed to balance power and authority in discharging their leadership responsibilities. The summit is also packaged with rich insights on the role of board members in managing and enhancing Board-CEO relationship, to achieve the organisation's goal.


At the end of the programme, participants will be able to

·       Discuss, with examples, the schools of thought on the concentration and dispersal of the Chairman/CEO powers

·       Identify the shared and unshared responsibilities of the Chairman and the CEO

·       Explain the leadership dynamics as well as the attributes needed by both the Chair and the CEO in discharging their responsibilities effectively

·       Profile the balancing acts needed by both the Chair and the CEO in discharging their responsibilities professionally

·       Analyse the whole spectrum of issues relating to the Chair-CEO power dynamic and the critical role of board members in managing it


Chairmen, CEOs, Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors, Members of Boards, Company Secretaries, Board Advisors, business owners, investors and shareholders in family, private and public firms. Top government functionaries: Ministers, Commissioners, Permanent Secretaries, officials in the Director Cadre, Chairmen and members of Boards of government Parastatals and Agencies.


The Course fee is $3,700 (Three Thousand, Seven Hundred Dollars) only. The fee covers tuition, training materials, delivery, visitation and tours, breakfast and lunch, with CIoD Nigeria's Certificate of Attendance.

Please read other terms and conditions below.

Participants are fully responsible for their Visa, flight and accommodation.


Participants are enjoined to complete registration, at least, a month before the event, to be guaranteed of slots within the maximum number of delegates programmed for the class. All payments should be made in the name of the Institute of Directors Nigeria to Zenith Bank Account, Dollars (5071133426)

Please scan and send copies of your payment teller and registration form to akinola.adeyemi@iodnigeria.org 07035848845 or sunday.adenipekun@iodnigeria.org 08037658976


DISCOUNT POLICY: 2.5% discount for 4-6 delegates from the same organisation

EARLY BIRD: Payment received on or before July 31st, 2025 shall attract 5% discount.


For programme cancellation or withdrawal by participants on which notification is duly communicated to CIoD Nigeria more than Ten (10) working days to the programme, administrative charge of 40% of the fee will be paid by the participant. Any notification less than Ten (10) working days to the programme attracts forfeiture of the fee paid.

Postponed Programme: Programmes may be postponed by CIoD Nigeria for unavoidable reasons at short notice to the participants. In the event that this happens, no refund would be made on the programme by the Institute. However, the participant would be allowed to switch to a similar programme of the same cost prior the new date of the postponed course, if he/she finds the option more convenient.

Cancelled Programme: Where the program is cancelled by CIoD, with respect to all other factor except "Force Majeure", the participant has the following options:

         I.            may apply to transfer to another CIoD program of the same cost at no additional fee for transfer, or

       II.            Join another edition of same program, or

     III.            Demand for a refund of course fees paid, which will be refunded by CIoD Nigeria.

Force Majeure Policy: The following shall apply in cancellation or postponement due to Force Majeure. The participant has the following options;

         I.            may apply to transfer to another CIoD program of the same cost at no additional fee for transfer, or

       II.            Join another edition of same program, or

     III.            Withdraw and forfeit 40% of the cost fee paid.

Annual Summit of High Performing Companies Secretaries

THEME: Gatekeeping the Board Secretariat for Peak Performance in a Digital Economy

DATE: 18-21 November 2025

VENUE: Banjul, Gambia

COST: $3,400


The pace of change in the world of business has redefined the roles of many office holders, including the Company Secretary. Unlike in the past when the office was perceived as clerical or merely secretarial, the Company Secretary's role is widely acknowledged today as very strategic to the achievement of Boards' objectives.

The Company Secretary is not only responsible for the effective and efficient administration of the Board, he/she also ensures that Board decisions are dutifully implemented. The company secretariat also ensures organizational compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. In turn, the Board depends on the Company Secretary for guidance and advice on matters of corporate governance, as well as duties required of a director. In the light of this, it takes a competent Company Secretary who constantly hones his/her skills to be able to discharge the high-quality services that are demanded of the office holders these days. This is more so in a fast-changing digital economy such as this when the Company Secretary must be seasoned and up to date to support the board for peak performance.

This programme is specially designed to keep the delegates up to date on their roles and responsibilities in the rapidly changing business landscape.


At the end of this programme, participants should be able to:

·       Explain the broad roles and responsibilities of the Company Secretary

·       Use the tools that facilitate the functionality of the Company Secretariat

·       Apply mastery in managing stakeholders' relationships

·       Analyse and mitigate attendant strategic and operational risks of the function

·       Discuss and apply the skills that position the Company Secretary as Board's trusted advisor


·       The Company Secretary: Old Roles & New Responsibilities

·       Positioning the Company Secretariat for Board Effectiveness: The Essentials

·       The Company Secretary as Codes & Compliance Officer

·       Best Practice in Managing the Board's and Management's Interests

·       Managing Relationships and Information Flows with Stakeholders

·       Contemporary Risks that attend the Company Secretariat's Functions & How to Manage them

·       Critical Board Secretariat Skills that Earn the Board's Confidence


Company Secretaries, In-house Legal Counsels, Professional Advisers, Commercial Lawyers, Compliance Staff, Business Directors and those involved in supporting Boards such as Chief Risk Officers and Internal Audit Specialists, as well as that are responsible for company secretariat duties at Senior Management level.


The Course fee is $3,400 (Three Thousand Four Hundred Dollars) only. The fee covers tuition, training materials, delivery, visitation and tours, breakfast and lunch, with CIoD Nigeria's Certificate of Attendance.

Please read other terms and conditions below.

Participants are fully responsible for their Visa, flight and accommodation.


Participants who have visas are enjoined to complete registration by October 15, 2025, to be guaranteed of slots within the maximum number of delegates programmed for the class. All payments should be made in the name of the Institute of Directors to Zenith Bank Domiciliary Account, Dollars (5071133426)

Please scan and send copies of your payment teller and registration form to or akinola.adeyemi@iodnigeria.org 07035848845 sunday.adenipekun@iodnigeria.org 08037658976

DISCOUNT POLICY: 2.5% discount for 3-5 delegates from the same organisation

EARLY BIRD: Payment received on or before September 30, 2025, shall attract 5% discount.


For programme cancellation or withdrawal by participants on which notification is duly communicated to CIoD Nigeria more than Ten (10) working days to the programme, administrative charge of 40% of the fee will be paid by the participant. Any notification less than Ten (10) working days to the programme attracts forfeiture of the fee paid.

Postponed Programme: Programmes may be postponed by CIoD Nigeria for unavoidable reasons at short notice to the participants. In the event that this happens, no refund would be made on the programme by the Institute. However, the participant would be allowed to switch to a similar programme of the same cost prior the new date of the postponed course, if he/she finds the option more convenient.

Cancelled Programme: Where the program is cancelled by CIoD, with respect to all other factor except "Force Majeure", the participant has the following options:

         i.            may apply to transfer to another CIoD program of the same cost at no additional fee for transfer.

       ii.            Join another edition of same program, or

     iii.            Demand for a refund of course fees paid, which will be refunded by CIoD Nigeria.

Force Majeure Policy: The following shall apply in cancellation or postponement due to Force Majeure. The participant has the following options.

                     i.            may apply to transfer to another CIoD program of the same cost at no additional fee for transfer.

                   ii.            Join another edition of same program, or

                 iii.            Withdraw and forfeit 40% of the cost fee paid.