In recent years, the global push for gender equality and diversity has led many countries, including Nigeria, to consider policies mandating women's representation on corporate boards. While a plethora of scholars have argued that increasing the number of women on boards enhances decision-making, fosters innovation, and contributes to a more inclusive business environment, a sizeable number of authors and business leaders have questioned whether mandated gender quotas are the most effective solution and if they inadvertently lead to unintended consequences. In this blog report, we delve into the nuances of this issue and explore whether mandating women on corporate boards backfires for Nigeria's individual and corporate objectives.
The Current Landscape of Women on Corporate Boards in Nigeria
Before delving into the pros and cons of mandating women on corporate boards, it is essential to understand the current representation of women in Nigeria's boardrooms. Despite Nigeria's vast pool of talented and capable women, their representation on corporate boards remains dismally low. A survey of the top companies in Nigeria reveals that women occupy less than 20.46% of board seats, indicating a significant gender disparity in leadership positions.
Source: IoD Nigeria Database, 2023
Increasing women's representation on corporate boards has the potential to yield positive economic outcomes. Diverse boards bring a wide array of skills, experiences, and perspectives to decision-making processes. Extensive research indicates that gender-diverse boards are linked to improved financial performance and heightened profitability. By mandating higher female representation, there is an opportunity to harness the vast potential of talented and capable women, resulting in enhanced corporate governance and overall economic growth.
Gender diversity within corporate boards can foster more robust and well-informed decision-making. Women often contribute unique insights and viewpoints, leading to better risk management and the formulation of sustainable business strategies. Achieving a balance of gender perspectives helps companies steer clear of groupthink and the potential biases that may arise in homogenous boardrooms. Furthermore, mandating female representation on boards encourages companies to prioritise diversifying their talent pool. This proactive approach nurtures more women for leadership roles within organisations, creating a pipeline of skilled and experienced female executives. A broader talent pool can drive innovation and bolster competitiveness in the market, providing a competitive edge for the organisation. In addition, organisations with diverse and inclusive boards are typically perceived positively by stakeholders, including customers, investors, and regulators. Enhanced corporate social responsibility and reputation can lead to increased brand loyalty and heightened shareholder confidence, which may translate into improved financial performance and sustainable growth.
Does Women's Board Appointment Backfires
It is essential to acknowledge the challenges and concerns associated with mandating women on corporate boards, particularly when addressing the balance between meritocracy and quotas. Striking the right balance in implementing gender diversity mandates requires careful consideration. Critics argue that board appointments should primarily be based on skills, qualifications, and experience, irrespective of gender, to preserve the principle of meritocracy. Moreover, some raise concerns about the perceived scarcity of qualified female candidates, particularly in male-dominated industries. Addressing this issue necessitates focused initiatives to empower and develop women's leadership skills, fostering a larger pool of eligible candidates and enabling better representation.
Nonetheless, women's board appointment-mandated quotas may lead to tokenism, where women are appointed to boards based on their gender rather than merit. This perception can undermine the credibility of qualified women directors and create doubts about their competence. Imposing quotas could also lead to resentment among male board members who may perceive their appointments as undeserved. This could create hostile boardroom dynamics, hindering effective collaboration and decision-making. Gender quotas alone may also not address other critical dimensions of diversity, such as ethnicity, age, and professional background, which are essential for comprehensive decision-making.
Additionally, the implementation of new regulations mandating gender diversity may face resistance from corporate leaders who view it as governmental interference. To overcome this, fostering constructive dialogue and collaboration among government, industry stakeholders, and gender diversity advocates is paramount to creating a balanced and effective approach. While mandating women's representation can lead to positive economic outcomes and better decision-making, challenges related to striking a balance between meritocracy and quotas, as well as the availability of qualified candidates, must be thoughtfully addressed. Encouraging a collaborative and inclusive approach will be instrumental in fostering sustainable growth and driving positive change in the corporate landscape.
Leveraging Voluntary Initiatives: A Middle Ground
Instead of mandating quotas, corporate and individual organisations can reach a middle ground to mitigate the unintended consequences of women's board appointments. By establishing programs that support the professional growth and development of women, organisations can help women qualify for board positions on their merits. The government needs to encourage companies to disclose their board diversity data publicly, create accountability and motivate them to prioritise diversity. Also, by providing training sessions for existing board members, new and existing board members can cultivate an inclusive and diverse boardroom culture.
The question of whether mandating women on corporate boards backfires is complex and nuanced. While gender quotas can be effective in addressing the glaring gender disparity on boards, they may also elicit unintended consequences. Instead of focusing solely on mandated quotas, Nigeria's business audience should consider a multi-faceted approach to promote gender diversity and inclusion. By implementing voluntary initiatives and fostering a culture that values diverse perspectives, businesses in Nigeria can unlock the true potential of women's leadership and drive sustainable growth for the nation's economy.
Research and Advocacy Department, IoD Nigeria
28, Cameron Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria