Dear Esteemed Member,
As the situation with COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, IoD Nigeria is concerned about the real and potential impact 19 on our members and their respective organisations and businesses. The Institute will therefore continue to advocate on your behalf and proffer solutions through our daily bulletin and our online advocacy programmes on strategies for dealing with the fall out of the pandemic in your respective organisations.
Following the ease of restrictions, the Institute has reopened its Secretariat. However, there would be changes to our mode of operations in compliance with the Federal and State Government’s protocols on social distancing and ensuring the safety of our staff, members and visitors to the Secretariat.
Consequently, please find below the adjustments to our work operations and measures put in place to ensure the safety of our staff, members and visitors to the Secretariat:
The Secretariat will open 3 days a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and will operate remotely on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the time being.
Official opening times are 10:00am to 3:00pm on the three days specified above.
All meetings of Committees will be virtual for now.
There will be no rental of the halls by members for now.
Following the announcement by the Federal Government on the mandatory use of face masks, please note that all members and visitors to the Secretariat are required to wear their respective face masks before access is granted.
All staff, members and visitors to the Secretariat will be subjected to mandatory screening by our Security officials before access is granted
Hand Sanitiser Dispensing Machines have been strategically deployed around the Secretariat.
We have also recently conducted fumigation of the immediate environment and office environment and lounge areas at the Secretariat
For enquiries and requests please find below the following contact persons, emails and numbers:
Membership Services
Dr. Ogbodu: or 08023061091 / 09087492990
Ovos: or 07064613903 /09087492985
Abuja Zone
Jazuli: or 09055515440, 08170155417
Elizabeth: or 08037511484
Port Harcourt Zone
Olisa: or 08032790852.
Training Enquiries
- and 08037658976
- and 07062148115
- and 08032825038
We appeal to all members to ensure compliance with the directives and advise of the Federal & State Governments to maintain social distancing and ensure personal hygiene at all times. We also wish you and your respective businesses success in this disconcerting period.
Thank you for your understanding and keep safe always.
Bamidele Alimi, M.IoD
Director General/CEO