In the light of the Global COVID-19 pandemic crisis and the recent directives from the Federal and State Governments on restrictions of movement, IoD Nigeria regret to inform members that it has postponed its training programmes earlier scheduled for March and April 2020 till later dates.
The programmes affected are as follows:
- CDC II of March 24-25, 2020
- CDC II of April 14-15, 2020
- CEO AND THE BOARD SUMMIT of April 16, 2020
- CDC I of April 21-22, 2020
The Institute shall communicate new dates for the programmes to members, as soon as the restrictions are rolled back. We earnestly hope that this will be quick, so that life and businesses may be restored to normal.
In the meantime, let us all endeavour to be safe by following these guidelines:
- Frequent hand washing.
- Avoid frequent touching of your face, eyes, nose and mouth.
- Avoid close contact (about 5-6 feet) with an infected person or anyone in general.
- Use of hand sanitizer.
- Use of protective equipment like face mask and gloves, if need be.
- Cover your nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing.
- Avoid undue direct contact with animals.
- Do not travel if you are sick or go to an endemic region.
- Ensure the proper cooking of food items before consumption.
- Always implement frequent cleaning and disinfection of surfaces and objects.
Thank you and we regret any inconvenience this might cause you