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Frequently Asked Questions About Young Directors Forum (YDF)

The Young Directors Forum (YDF) is a network of young, talented and up- coming board leaders who serve as executive or non-executive directors in small and big firms across sectors of the Nigerian economy.

The Young Directors Forum was birthed in CIoD Nigeria in 2019 as an initiative to give back to the society by addressing the problem of high failure rates of budding and promising businesses in Nigeria due either to lack of corporate governance structure or knowledge of it by the young business entrepreneurs and directors.

Members embers of YDF are keen knowledge seekers who are interested in taking advantage of the CIoD Nigeria platform to build their capacities in corporate governance skills, and practices, as well as take advantage of access to free mentorship services, while creating strong peer networks that add value in the course of discharging their roles and responsibilities as Directors.


Ultimately, Young Directors are groomed to become CIoD Chartered Directors who give back to the society by mentoring others and supporting the growth of CIoD Nigeria.

Those eligible to register as members of YDF include young corporate or business professionals, SME’s directors and managers, owner managers, directors and managers of start-up businesses, budding entrepreneurs.

Membership is not restricted to being young (in age). It is open to middle aged career men and women who are young in board experience, in entrepreneurship and private businesses.

Membership interest is expressed by completing the YDF membership registration form and by payment of the membership registration fee, providing all required documents as listed on the form.

After screening and found qualified, a letter for provisional membership admission will be issued by the CIoD secretariat to the applicant


Membership of applicants will be ratified after his/her attending of Young Directors Course I (YDC I), which is mandatory for all new members of YDF.

Members of YDF are required to have completed all the three modules of YDC (i.e. YDC I-III) within three years of membership of the Forum.

Members are required to participate actively in the programmes and activities of the Forum to be able to progress to CIoD membership.

The CIoD Nigeria’s Governing Council reserves the ultimate authority to give directives, and final approval to all decisions and activities of the YDF. All approvals by the CIoD Council becomes binding to YDF and its stakeholders.

The CIoD Governing Council does not supervise YDF directly. It oversees the Forum’s operations and activities through its YDF Advisory Committee, supported by the Institute’s Secretariat under the Director General/CEO. So, the CIoD council’s oversight responsibility on YDF is delegated to the YDF advisory committee and the DG/CEO of the Institute.

 This Committee serves as the coordinating committee of the YDF. It is the interface between the YDF and the CIoD Governing Council. All decisions, programs and activities must pass through the advisory committee before they get to the governing council. Also, reports of the programs and activities shall be submitted to the advisory committee for review and advice on improvements.

The executives meet, at least, once in two months to deliberate on matters concerning the YDF. There may be more meetings as deemed fit by the executives.

The Executives have the powers to set up subcommittees for their programmes and activities as may be deemed fit.

All funds for and from YDF are domiciled in the CIoD Nigeria Accounts and expenditures must be approved by the YDF Advisory Committee, or as delegated by the committee to the Director General of the Institute before implementation.

The tenure of the executives shall be for a period of 2 years (24 months) after which another election shall be conducted to produce another executive for the forum.

An executive can be re-elected for another term, but not more than two consecutive terms. After a two-term period, an executive must not be re-elected until after four years.

Voting can be done manually or electronically. Each voter can only vote once per position/office. Any voter that votes more than once per position/office would have the votes cancelled and will not count for any of the contestants for that position.

All complaints and inquiries are directed to the election committee. The committee shall handle all complaints and enquiries. The tenure of each election committee ends 3 months after the election.

An executive may be removed from office under the following conditions:

Resignation from office, if he/she has very important reason to do so.

If found to have exhibited any act that will bring shame to the organization.

If found to have not been carrying the duties and responsibilities of the office he/she occupies or have contravened the oath of office.

An executive’s seat may be declared vacant if the executive dies or remains in a critical health condition that may incapacitate him/her to discharge the duties of the office.

 How is vacant position filled in YDF?

In the situation where a position is declared vacant, an election will be conducted to fill the vacant position.